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Tuck Bugger

tied by Gerald Goldsmith, Altamonte Springs, Fl, USA
Hook: Mustad 9672, Sz 10
Weight: .015 lead wire
Head: 1/8 gold bead
Thread: Black 6/0
Tail: Brown marabou
Body: fine black Estaz
Hackle: brown hacklet

Tying instructions:

1. Debarb and sharpen hook.
2. Put on smallest gold bead head that will fit it.
3. Warp forward 2/3 of the hook with wire. Drive hard into bead. Layer of glue and thread. 4. Wet several clumps of marabou. Tail should equal the length of the hook eye to just past the bend. Tie in and advance thread to a point where your plume meets the wire wrap. Trim excess. 5. Now wrap the thread backwards to the point where the tail is tied in and tie in your hackle and the Estaz. Advance the thread to the bead head and coat with cement. 6. Wrap Estaz to bead head. Palmer the hackle forward, secure with several wraps and finish with three half hitches.

Jerry's comment to the fly:

In the original version of the Tuckbugger, which was designed and shown to me by Mike Ray of Atlanta, Georgia, USA., Instead of Estaz he would use ostrich herl. So step 5 would be to tie in the hackle, a gold wrap and herl. He would spin and forward about 6 ostrich herl, secure them, go back and wrap the gold over the herl and palmer the hackle.