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Squirrel Tail Nymph

tied by Rick Chopyak
Tail: Fox squirrel tail
Body: Dubbing from fox squirrel body
Thorax: More dubbing from fox squirrel body
Rib: Gold/brass wire
Optinal: Gold bead head

Some comments from Rich about his fly:

I bank on this fly so much that it's almost always tied to the end of my line as either a point or dropper. This simple pattern can be tied in size 6 to 20 (or smaller if you don't have fat fingers like I do). I use it as a stonefly/caddis/mayfly nymph but mostly I tie it in size 14 or 16 because that's what works on the waters I fish. It's cheap, simple, quick to tie, and it works. What else can you ask for?