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Swapmaster: Bob Haering from Michigan, USA
CDC Emerger
tied by John Martinez, Oregon, USA

CDC Emerger Tying instructions

  1. Start thread behind hook eye and wind to bend of hook. Leave a few inches as a tag to use for ribbing. Use a permanent marker to color the tag end dark brown.
  2. Tie in a few strands of off-white poly yarn as a small trailing shuck. Tie in a few more strands, slightly longer and facing same direction. These will be pulled forward later to make the shuck.
  3. Dub a thin abdomen using the olive green dubbing or color of your choice. Make abdomen approx 2/3's of hook length.
  4. Wind the tag end of the thread over the abdomen as a rib in the opposite direction you wound the dubbing (counterwrapped) and tie off where the abdomen ended.
  5. Pull the longer ends of the yarn forward and tie them off at the front of the abdomen. They should sort of loosely surround the body of the fly, like a veiling. Leave the shorter strands as trailing shuck.
  6. Tie in a small cdc feather by the butt, then loop the tip over and tie it in at the same spot to form a loop wing. You can also form the loop by pulling off several barbs from a larger feather and tying them in a loop. Either way will work and look okay.
  7. If you have room without crowding the eye, you can dub a very thin thorax using the same dubbing as the the abdomen. You can also just make a thread head, whip finish and tie off. If you add head cement, be careful not to get it on the cdc, it will wick up it instantly and ruin it.

This fly will hang in the surface film with the cdc providing some flotation. It will also work as an emerger if it gets pulled under water and then allowed to rise on the swing, the yarn veiling (and the cdc) trap air and make it look like an airbubble around the fly.


Hook: TMC2487 scud hook or similar sz 18-22
Thread: Tan Gordon Griffith's 14/O or similar
Trailing Shuck: Off white poly yarn, few strands
Rib: Tag end of tying thread dyed brown w/perm marker
Shuck: Same as trailing shuck, few strands, longer
Abdomen: Olive green dubbing
Wing: CDC feather tied loop style
Thorax: Same as abdomen (optional)