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Beetle Swap 2-2003
hosted by Del Roberts from South Carolina, USA

Deerhair Beetle

Hook Mustad 94840; 10 - 16
Thread Black 3/0
Shellback Black deer hair
Body Green, or Peacock Holo Brite

1. Start thread at the middle of hook shank.

2. Snip a small bundle of deer hair, about the diameter of a pencil.

3. Hold deer hair by tips, and comb out short underfur with dubbing needle.

4. Tie in butt end of deer hair at middle of hook shank, with tips facing back. Don't be concerned if butts flare slightly; wind thread over them to secure.

5. Trim any excess butts, then wind thread back to hook bend.

6. Dub in Holo Brite. Wind thread forward to 1/8 inch behind eye.

7. Bring tips of deer hair forward over dubbing and tie in just behind eye to form shellback. Make several firm wraps with thread, and whip-finish.

8. Trim off excess tips to form head of beetle.

9. Snip one or two strands from each side of rear of body to form legs. Apply head cement.

Jon Emmons
from USA