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Beetle Swap 2-2003
hosted by Del Roberts from South Carolina, USA

Blue Parachute Beetle

Hook Standard dry hook, sz. 12
Thread Royal blue
Parachute post Calftail
Hackle Oversized rusty dun
Abdomen Blue SLF dubbing
Head Hot orange SLF

Ty in the parachute post at midshank ans set it upright. Ty in the hackle at the post.
Advance the thread to the hook's bend. Dub heavily with the blue SLF. To get a very fuzzy body use a dubbing loop. Dub the body to the parachute post, wind the parachute hackle and secure the hackle. Ty off. Dubb the front part of the body with blue and hot orange SLF. Ty off, form a small head, whip and laquer.

The fish in the Erft and me - we both used 2 summers to develop the fly. It floats deep in the surface, has a large foodprint and the parachute posts helps to see the fly.

At least at the Erft the orange head seems to be attractive. Flies with the head are better catcher than the headless ones.

Rene Zillmann
from Germany