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Swapmaster: Jim Collins from Missouri, USA
tied by Rene Zillmann
from Germany
Gerroff Tying instructions

Catch the thread at the hook´s eye and wind the usual thread base almost to the bend. The finished fly should look a bit too small for the hook´s size. Tie in the clear plastic strip pointing back.

Dubb the body with the dubbing mix. Fold the strip over the body, secure, form a neat head and whip finish. Cement and voila.

The idea of this fly is the ´oversized´ hook. He adds weight to the fly without bulk.

The fly was originally invented by Brian Clarke and John Goddard from England. It is described in "The Trout and the Fly".


Hook: wet or dry, sz. 16
Thread: black 0/8
Shellback: Clear plastic stripe
Dubbing: Mix of orange SLF with hears mask
head: black