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Swapmaster: Jim Collins from Missouri, USA
Sproat Midge
tied by John Roth
from Maryland, USA
Sproat Midge Tying instructions

Tie the thread on around mid-shank. Wrap thread toward the bend of the hook and tie in a few fibers of olive CDC along the way. Bind the tail fibers to the hook shank until the thread is behind the barb. Dub an olive body complete the remainder of the fly typical of any parachute style pattern.


Hook: Daiichi 1100 (size 20 used for the swap)
Thread: Olive 8/0 Unithread
Tail: Several fibers of olive CDC
Body: Olive dubbing (Ligas translucent olive dubbing used for the swap)
Post: Rainy's 3/16 foam parachute post
Hackle: Light dun saddle hackle