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Winged Dry Fly Swap 2002

Swapmaster: Kevin McClean from Ireland

Morrisfoam Dun
tied by Rene Zillmann, Germany
originated by Skip Morris
Morrisfoam Dun Tying instructions:

Catch the thread just ahead of midshank and tie in a length of antron yarn atop the hook. Fold the yarn and take a tight turn around its base. Add some additional turns to form the parachute post.

Tie in the hackle at the parachute post pointing upside. Now to the body. A nice idea developed by Richard Bunse as Skip Morris describes in his book.

Wrap the thread to the hooks bend and half hitch it to secure it. Cut a small foam strip. Remove the hook from the vice and push the point of the hook through the foam. Return hook to the vice.

Secure the foam at the bend with 'figure eight' wraps. Add a drop of cement or epoxy. The tension of the thread is critical at this point. Too lose and the fly will fall apart, too firm and you'll cut the foam. A bit of practice will help.

Advance the thread to the hook's eye, fold the foam on the undersite of the fly and secure it. Cut the foam tail to shape. WInd the parachute hackle as usual and whip finish.

The fly is from Skip Morris book: Tying Foam Flies.


Hook: Std. dry, TMC 100 or similar
Thread: Yellow, Uni, 6/0
Wing: light green antron yarn
Hackle: brown
Body: Yellow closed cell foam