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Swap 2000Swapmeister: Jim Zlomke
Start April 2000

>> What is the one pattern that always works for you even when nothing elso does? << Jim Zlomke aka Wyo Bio Teacher from Wyoming asked this on Fly Swap Central in April 2000. And he got an answer: 14 brave soles told him what they do when there is only one game in town. They come from all over the world: USA (of course), Argentinia, Australia, South Africa and Germany. It was a nice assortment, dries, nymphs, emerger and terrestrials.

And here they are:

Beadhead Zugbug
Danny McMillin

Buttler Special Nymph
Tom Tully, USA

Copper John
Loren Gard

Crowe Beetle

Fluttering Caddis
Steve Gossage, USA




Fore'n Aft
John Wright, Argentinia

Harrys Double
Trevor Hitchen, Australia

Cliff Adams

Lesotho Bugger
David Colyn, South Africa

Quill Gordon
Tony Cook

Spiced Adams
René Zillmann

Western Coachman
Jim Zlomke, USA